The tool upgrades that were released along with the 2019 version included built-in designs and slide transitions that made the software much more user-friendly as well. The PowerPoint greatly influenced the ways in which the presentations were made. The Microsoft PowerPoint is a revolutionary presentation software tool that was a huge hit when the first version released. The other tools that were established along with the new word 2019 are much more. There are a lot of other features such as automatic drafting and focus mode of the word documents that made the job much more easier for regular users. There were also other features like the automatic numbering of pins and tiles within the software tool that ensured efficiency in every document created with Microsoft. The word had a lot of new updates with the 2019 version with autosave claiming to the best feature in class. The Microsoft word the official documenting software of the Microsoft office 2019 package is one of the widely used tools. With a great package of features, it is definitely the best official use software that will take care of every need. There were a lot of features that made Microsoft office 2019 a staggering success upon its release. MS Office Free Download is a suite of extraordinary applications to create productivity among home and business.The Mac version of the Microsoft office 2019 was released for the Mac users to make sure that there were no issues with regard to using the tools in any operating system. It offers a way of knowledge to its users on how they edit, collaborates, manage, and share documents in their work environment. It presents unlimited outstanding features such as black theme, loud reading, 3D objects, icons, fresh charts, learning tools, ink to shape, slid to slide animation, video exporting in PowerPoint, and much more. You can purchase via subscribing Office an online-oriented version which gives access to online apps as well as offers an exclusive license for household and offices. Microsoft Office is the powerful manager of handling any type of documents effectively. You are enabled of writing a letter to big books along with cover page, table of contents, glossary, text content, graphics, shapes, and charts. Additionally, a lot of features along with the large contributions of Office are introduced in office Suite. The MS Word is including with fresh features like Speech Feature for highlighting the audio reproduction of text, Learning Tools gives auto-improvement to your documents, and the Black theme helps you to remove different unnecessary elements and dark impressions to your UI screen.

So you have to upgrade the utilized version on your operating system up to Windows Excel introduces two types of charts-Maps, and Funnel.