It's got a lovely atmosphere, a couple of great characters, and some mind-bending puzzles. You see? You see the kind of effort we're dealing with here? But oh the feeling I get after solving a puzzle! If you want to see the end of Bubba'N'Stix, you're going to have to do more than sit in front of it with the joypad in your hands and your brain switched off for two hours, and that's why some people won't like it.

One of them grabs him, whacks the other one over the head, and as a lump rises on his head (with Stix still wedged on there), you can quickly run, jump up onto the now platform-like Stix and leap up the cliff.

So you go off the screen again, creep on so that they're just in view, then throw your alien mate Stix at them while they're still arguing. You'll traipse backwards and forwards for ages and ages, looking for the tiniest clue as to what to do, when suddenly, after half an hour, you'll notice that the two aliens are apparently arguing with each other as you enter the screen, but they stop and act dumb as soon as you get anywhere near them. Or you'll be at the foot of a sheer cliff far too high to jump up, with no apparent objects to interact with and only a couple of tiny aliens cluttering up the screen who pay no attention whatsoever to anything you try to do to them. You can be locked in a doorless prison cell with nothing but a steel drum and a small hole in the wall for company, and somehow you have to find a way out. I played it over about a week, and the number of times I was reduced to simply staring at the screen, completely clueless, was intensely aggravating. But much to my surprise, no store in my town was carrying this game! Not Toys R' Us, not FuncoLand, not even Toyworks! So I just gave up searching and thought I would never have this game.But now I just won it on eBay for five bux!It's a puzzle game.

After reading the article, I went on a mad search looking for it. I remember seeing this little gem advertised in Game Fan magazine in 1994.